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dc.contributor.advisorCampos Ramos, Rafaeles_MX
dc.contributor.authorGarza Torres, Rodolfoes_MX
dc.publisherCentro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste, S.C.es_MX
dc.titleEstudio sobre el órgano genital del camarón blanco del Pacífico Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone), con énfasis en la glándula androgénicaes_MX
dc.dirtesis.gradoDoctorado en Ciencias en el Uso, Manejo y Preservación de los Recursos Naturaleses_MX
dc.dirtesis.universidadCentro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste, S.C.es_MX
dc.dirtesis.facultadPosgrado en Recursos Naturaleses_MX
dc.documento.fechaOctubre, 2011es_MX
dc.description.abstractenIn aquaculture, growth is the most important characteristic for the profitability of the industry. Peneid shrimp have a gender dimorphism, where females grow larger than males. Sex reversal of the Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei could contribute to the mayor production of the shrimp farming trough an all-female culture. In Malacostraca (isopods, amphipods and decapods), the androgenic gland (AG) is the responsible for their maleness. However, knowledge in the development, function and control of the AG are practically null in commercially reared peneids. This knowledge can create the foundations to undertake sex reverse essays on the white shrimp and finally integrate a biotechnology that could produce a monosexual culture in shrimp. In the present work, 4 AG investigations were carried out, including its development during the organogenesis of the genital organ, its function in the maintenance of the spermatogenesis related to the molt cycle, its endocrine control from the sinus gland in the eyestalk, and the effect if ablated, plus a molecular analysis of its expression. Timing of the organogenesis and subsequent development of the genital organ of females and males of L. vannamei is here described. The genital organ was fully recognized from postlarve day-16 (PL16) as a bilateral lobe located in the anterior region of the midgut gland that connects to an anterior collector tube that extends dorsally towards the posterior region and forms an inverted U-shape collector. 8 lobes, an oviduct, and a posterior lobe in females and 7 lobes including the vas deferens in males, are connected bilaterally along the collector tube. Around PL50, where external gender differentiation is recognized as the thelycum in females and the gonopores in males, the AG appears along the vas deferens, surrounded by connective tissue that attaches it to the eighth testicular lobe. Gonad differentiation occurred from PL68, where it was possible to differentiate the female ovary from the male testes. The meiotic prophase I stages were analyzed in both genders on each molt stadium to establish if the gametogenesis and the molt cycle are related. Meiotic cells at zygotene, pachytene, (recognized by the complete synapsis of the bivalents) and diplotene stages were observed at inter-molt, pre-molt, and early and late post-es_MX
dc.documento.subjectChaetodipus siccus, Cuenca de Los Planes, filogeografía.es_MX

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